2024 Q1 Revenue Report

  • Revenue up +3.8% in Q1 2024 to €265.0 million- Continued improvement in adjusted EBITDA marginAcross Europe, Solutions30 is rolling out the same model that has driven its success for 20 years. It is well positioned to capture the many profitable growth opportunities of the digital transformation and the energy transition, on which we will present in details at our capital markets day in September.”Date18:30 (CET) – 17:30 (GMT)Gianbeppi Fortis, Chief Executive Officer
    Jonathan Crauwels, Chief Financial Officer
    Amaury Boilot, Group General SecretaryWebcast in English:Annual General Meeting                                                        June 17, 2024
    Q2 2024 Revenue Report                                                      July 24, 2024 (after market close)The capital of Solutions30 SE consists of 107,127,984 shares, equal to the number of theoretical votes that can be exercised. Solutions30 S.E. is listed on Euronext Paris (ISIN FR0013379484- code S30), where it trades on the following indices: MSCI Europe ex-UK Small Cap | SBF120 | CAC Mid 60 | NEXT 150 | CAC Technology | CAC PME.
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